Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sorry guys.. I have been busy!

Hi ppl,

sorry I have been busy and not being able to update the blog recently.. But I am indeed happy and glad that the peak period of my Rotaract Year has just passed.

I can say that the past few months, the district have been busy with activites by both the district level, zone level and club level. It is great to see that we are getting actively involve in the community.

The district has been busy hosting ppl from overseas during the holiday periods. In addition, we have been busy planning for the Survivor conference and the Rotary Family Service Centre fund raising event. These event was executed successfully on the 19-21 Jan 07 and 27 Jan 07 repectively.

Look out for the updates in the blog soon. I promise.

Now, lets look forward to the future and progress together and bring Rotaract to a greater level...