Sunday, August 03, 2008

Remember the old songs of Singapore!!!

Somehow, today i fell a bit patriotic and i search the wonderful youtube to reminisce the good old years... to my surprise, there were not many good songs that reflect the fell and "real" voice of the people... However what i noticed that our songs have evolved in the many years...

In the 1980's, we grew up with songs like "We are Singapore", "Count on Me Singapore", "One People, One Nation, One Singapore" These songs are used to bring the people together and unite as one.

In the 1990s, the songs we discontinued and i wonder why... I guess we might be too busy making money and progress as a society.

However, in the new millenium, I guess the government notice that many of the Singaporeans a "lost" and are looking for an identity to call our own. Thus many of these citizens, migrated to look for greener pastures overseas. Therefore to indirectly welcome them back, songs like "Home", "Where I Belong" and many more.

However those two mentioned above, Home and Where I belong are songs that i felt which are good and represent the true meaning of Singaporeans.