Friday, December 05, 2008

Lots have been done and I am enjoying the Holidays !!

Woo Hoo! I am enjoying life and the holidays as well. Although I have been tight on my budget, I was able to pull in my resources to enjoy as much as possible with little money to spend. As there is much to say, I will just summarise them with photos of time spent with my relative and friends.

21 Nov - My friends and I were lucky to be able to learn a thing or two abt france and its people. I learnt about the origin of mont blanc that it is the top of the french alps. We were also fortunate to be able to taste french food. And the cheese were wonderful!!!

My Second Love.. Chez!

Finger Looking Good! I just cannot stop!

22 Nov - My buddy, Mustapha got married

The Groom and the Bestman!!

I also visited Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve, went out with my cuz, Wahidin, had dinner with my friends Adam, Rizar. I also helped a friend with jis retail therapy and was surprised that the person is able to spend up to SGD400 but i think it was a good buy as we manage to buy numerous items.

On the 30th of Dec, my silat coach got married. Then the next day, 1 Dec, the silat gang headed to sentosa for a day under the sun. I truly enjoyed the company and played many games like zero point, 5 stones, beach voleyball, super soaker, frisbee and just chilling out.

The crazy dude!

I also manage to visit the marina barrage.. really a nice place to chill and enjoy the breeze. But getting there is a challenge. Below are some photos of the place.
The View from the barage

Gettin' Wet

The Barrage itself