Monday, June 23, 2008

Holidays are here... Woo Hoo!!!

I am delighted, estatic, happy and all of the positive words that god has created to express happinees and joyfulness. YES! Its the hollidays. I luv it.

Although the official holidays started in late May, I am not able to indulge and experience its wonder as I had to venture into the unknown for 2 weeks. I went to Beijing. Upon returning the ordeal continued as I had to attnd informal classes to prepare myself for my research paper that is due on Oct 2008.

In addition to that, I also had to train for my Silat Competition. BTW, I got bronze. hahaha. Upon completion of the competition, my dear prof requested us to return to scholl again.

Now it all ended and I can embrace the holidays. In a span of a week, I manage to catch up with many of my friends and I really treasure the time we had. That is all I ask for during the holidays. And of course my friends are also fed up with me as I am always busy as I had to arrange appointments just to meet up with them.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sabit, Tojang, Sendeng and Sapu. A hard day's work @ ISG 2008

This weekend, I spend my whole time at the invitational silat games at RP. I saw many matches which my teammates from NTU silat club take part in. My match is scheduled for next week. However I am currently feeling the anxiety and nervousness for my match. I really want to perform well and prove everyone wrong. Hopefully I am able to get rid of this bad feeling and have the greatest fight in my life.. You have gone thru many obstacles. Perform your best and you will reap your rewards in the future.:)

Monday, June 02, 2008

Good Job Singapore

Today I visited the grand old dame a.k.a the National Stadium to watch the 3rd round World Cup qualifying round between Singapore and Uzbekistan. It was a great atmosphere with the stadium being half filled with Singapore Die Hard Fans. It was positive to see that we still have many passionate fans who will still come down after their long working hours to give their undying support to our national team.

My expectations for the game was not that high. I hoped for a draw between the two teams. Once the whistle is blown to mark the start of the game, I can see that the away team was controlling most of the play. I felt that the Lions we holding their half very well. Unfortunately at the 10 mins, the away team scored their first goal. I was quite disappointed but my friend told me that it is still early in the game and Singapore would draw level anytime. True enough we did, It was so unexpected yet beautiful goal. The fans were aesthetic and overjoyed when the home team scored the equalizer.

There is still hope i said to myself. the two teams continued to pile on the pressure on one another. Unfortunately, it was the Singapore defence that took the beating and Uzbekistan scored their second goal. The crowd were shocked at the goal and wondered how it entered the net. Again the feeling of lost sets in. Singapore continued to pile on the pressure and the effort was rewarded when we earned a spot kick. The spot kick was converted beautifully and we draw level again. The crowd cheered!

Not long, the uzbet scored their 3rd goal. The fans waited eagerly for the equalizer again but it never came. Instead, the away team scored their 4th and 5th goal. What a let down. The second half whistle blew. It was gg to be hard climb for the national team to draw level with this score difference.

15 minutes passed and the two teams re-entered the pitch. The two teams gave their best but we can see that Singapore was hungry for more goals with them trying to win more of the possession of the ball. In the 30 minute of the second half, Singapore manage to put the ball into the net. In that instant, I thought there may be a chance for a better score line and even a draw. I continued hoping but the opponent was indeed a better team and they replied with 2 goals, bringing the final score of 7-3 against singapore.

Although we lost, I felt that the Singapore Team played well. It was indeed an entertaining game and worth my time and money to watch the game. Well done Singapore and continue to pursue your dreams. All the best.