Monday, June 23, 2008

Holidays are here... Woo Hoo!!!

I am delighted, estatic, happy and all of the positive words that god has created to express happinees and joyfulness. YES! Its the hollidays. I luv it.

Although the official holidays started in late May, I am not able to indulge and experience its wonder as I had to venture into the unknown for 2 weeks. I went to Beijing. Upon returning the ordeal continued as I had to attnd informal classes to prepare myself for my research paper that is due on Oct 2008.

In addition to that, I also had to train for my Silat Competition. BTW, I got bronze. hahaha. Upon completion of the competition, my dear prof requested us to return to scholl again.

Now it all ended and I can embrace the holidays. In a span of a week, I manage to catch up with many of my friends and I really treasure the time we had. That is all I ask for during the holidays. And of course my friends are also fed up with me as I am always busy as I had to arrange appointments just to meet up with them.

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