Monday, November 24, 2008

The good, the bad and the weird

I finally got to watch my korean movie. And i have to say, it is one of the best cowboy movie i watched. To think abt it, this was the first ever cowboy movie that i watched. hahaha.

The movie was worth my $10. The action was great, the comedy was hillarious. I was very captivated by the storyline and the twist at the end was good as well. I will really recommend this movie to my friends.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Good Week

It was a good healthy week.. I told myself that I need to change my lifestyle to a more active one. and I am gald that the firstweek has been going as planned. I had jogged, swim and went to the gym. I am happy. I hope I am able to continue with this lifestyle.

I had finally finished watching my Korean drama "My Sassy Girl". It was a good drama that engage me and always wanting me to catch the next episode. The korean drama are good at getting people wanting more.. Hahaha.

Well it is the holodays, I want to explore the Henderson wave and Hotparks as well. I am also looking forward for my Mt Kinabalu climb in Dec.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exams are over. Now for a deserved break.

To reflect on this sememster in NIE, I find it one of the toughest I had experience yet. The timetable for my classes were not favourable. Most of the days I would end about 5pm and would have a break of 3 to 4 hours break in between. it was the long break that exhausted me and not the classes.

Assignments also took a toll on my confidence and with every assignments came up, it sucked up my positive attitude. However, I am glad it is now over and I am taking a good break from the hectic school schedule.

The upcoming semester will be my last ones. I won't be as bad as this one. Despite the hectic schedule, I had also manage to schedule in some fun time.. hahaha

"A night with Anuar Zain" was a great. It was a thrilling experience to watch one of my singing idols performing at esplanade. He really sang beautifully. It was worth it .. so damn good.