Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kuala Lumpur ... what a trip.

Taking a midnight bus to KL is no joke man... I can't have a good night sleep as the ride was bumpy. However the company was good. 10 Rotaractors and guest went on a journey to visit district 3300 (Malaysia) and attend RAC Ampang installation. The list of Rotaractors are as follows:

DRR Zakir, Pres Yiling, IPP Junjie, PP Simon, Rtr. Keyuan, Rtr Dawn, Rtr Eileen, Guest Sewling (from RAC Singapore West), Rtr Paul and Rtr Celine (from RAC Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts)

We left Tuas scond link exactly at 0000hrs on 15 Septmber 2006. The six-hour journey was quite smooth. We arrived in KL at approximately 0600hrs and was greeted by members of RAC Ampang (IPP Mun Wai, Rtr Joanne, Rtr Carine). We proceed for breakfast and went to visit the Petronas Twin Tower. It was indeed a breath-taking sight as it was my first time up there.

We later split into two groups, the shopping group and the grooming group. I opted for the grooming group where we went to have our hair cut. In the evening, we attended RAC Ampang installation and met up with DRR Chandra (D3300) and DRR Ruby (D3460-Taiwan Northwest District). I also had the opprtunity to also meet other Rotaractors from D3300.

After the installation, we went back to our apartment for a short fellowship and all of us went to bed as we were too tired.

Next day, we had to say our good byes to everyone.... Thank you everyone for the great time.

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