Sunday, October 08, 2006

Meeting old friends in Melaka and making new friends in Batu Pahat

Melaka is considered a historical state for many Malaysians. For me it is the state where many of my closest Rotaract friends live. On 8 August 2006, after our work, 6 district members (DRR Zakir, IPDRR Audrey, DHS Lilian, DHT Winnie, DComSDC Amanda and DCSDC Kumar) squeezed into DRC John's car and headed towards Melaka.

It was an exciting three-hour journey where we (mainly me) shared our childhood memories and we laughed all the way to Melaka. We reached our destination at approximately 2000hrs, where we met up with out hosts. President Greg and IPP Wee of RAC Kota Melaka (KM) greeted us and we resume to have our deserve SUPPER! It was indeed a good meal as we were deprived of our dinner.

Upon finishing the dinner we went to back to our apartment to settle down and wash up. We then proceed to a cafe called a friends cafe to catch up with one another. We shared stories from the recent APRRC and looked at the photos and videos of the event.

The next day, we went to have the famous hard boiled egg and kaya toast. It was worth the trip. Members of RAC KM, Eugene, Kelvin and myself went to KFC.. Yes KFC to buy a total of 40 piece chicken. Don't worry it is not for me to eat! Do you think I am that greedy?

The chicken purchase was meant for the special kids from the "Happiness centre". This center is dedicated in helping the mentally disabled children in providing them the care and medical aids. It is sad for me to find out that some of teh children in there are abandoned by their parents. It does makes me appriciate life more.

We spend a couple of hours there and interact with the children and the staff there. We then proceeded for lunch and President Greg presented his yr plan and goals for the club.

At about 5 pm, we left for Batu Pahat to attend RAC Batu Pahat Installation. As it was our first time visitng them, we got a bit lost and arrived at the installation late. It was indeed a refreshing feeling as it is the first time I attended an installation that was conducted in Chienese/Mandarin. The installation was entertaining and the Board of directors put up a small dance item for the guest.

It was nearing 11 pm and the installation ended. The seven tired people drove back to Singapore. It was a tiring but fruitful trip.

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