Sunday, May 27, 2007

An eventful month for me and Rotaract...

What a month for our Rotaractors in our District. If most of you have not known, our dear DRRE Dr. Dhamindra has received a scholarship to further his studies overseas. It was a last minute news but luckily we have our ever realiable DRRN Lina who was fortunately ready to take over the role as DRR for the year 2007/2008.

What would I do if she said no? Do I have to take up anotehr year of DRR-ship?

Well, I wish Dharma all the best and it is nice to see a fellow Rotaractor having the opportunity to better himself professionally and personally. To Lina, congrats on your appointment and do inform me of you need any assistance.

In the same week as well, our four lucky Rotaractors ( Audrey, Amanda , Wee and Eugene) embark in their Group Study Exchange (GSE) trip to Holland. Some of our Rotaractors went down to Singapore Changi Airport to bid a safe trip there and back. I felt quite sad to see them go but they promise me a lot of souveniers back.. (hahaha). If you wish to read more about the GSE Trip feel free to go to their blog at

I also had my Graduation Dinner on 25 May 2007 and it was eld at Traders Hoel Singapore. Yes I am finally graduating and going to a new school...To my surprise I was nominated and crowned as Mr NIE. So i guess you do not need good looks to win a pagent just the correct personality and attitude. :)

Prior to this event my group of friends in NIE also had a BBQ celebration to say our goodbyes to one another. We truly enjoyed ourselves remembering the good times we had at NIE. It was sad to leave them but I guess all good things must come to an end...

Till my next update.. enjoy yourselves...

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