Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Scream , U scream, we all scream for ICE-CREAM!

Yes people... what can be more heavenly than a free ice-cream. On 29th of April is FREE CONE DAY by Ben & Jerry. Yes my favourite ice-cream outlet. Being a B&J fan, I queued up for 20 mins to get my free dose of "medicine" for the day. It was sad that they only have a few selection. I opted to try a few favour called "Chocolate Therapy." It was GOOD, but it cannot beat my favourite flavour, which is "Fossil Fuel".

Hey at the en dof the day, it's free ice-cream. What more can you ask for?!

Monday, April 28, 2008

The ending is the new beginning!

Yes it is over... I just had my last paper and I am so relieved. The second semester is finally over and now it is the long wait for the results that will be announce in June. It is along agonizing wait but that will not stop me from enjoying myself during this holidays. Thus mark the new beginning. This holiday I think i wanna to put a theme to it.

"To relax, rejuvinate and renew"

Cool huh?! The three 'Rs' would be the direction is achieveing the holiday experience. I wanna relax, enjoy myself, rejuvinate my senses and renew my spirit. For my first stop, I went to have dinner with my good secondary buddy and we ate at Fish & Co. I was long awaiting to eat there and I had the fish platter for one. Finally my craving was met.

I also planned to rent movies to watch during the holidays.... I just cannot wait!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sprinting to the finish line

Finally I am reaching my last paper... the day will b ein Monday. I simply can't wait for it .:) There is a lot of movies i wanna watch.
1. Speed racer
2. Iron Man
3. Three Kingdom
4. Indiana Jones

so many movies .. but i would want to watch ever one of it. Hahaha.
My pocket will be so dry bit it is worth it.
Enjoy my last long holiday.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The three "F" in Life

Although this is my study week for the upcoming exams for this semester, I could not resist the temptation of good food, good company and great laughs. In this week alone, I had gone out for 'fellowship' dinners with my rotaract friends, around 5 times!!! And I felt a bit guilty after every outings as I really need to utilise my time to study. But I told myself that I need to also relax myself from all the stress of revision.

Monday, upon completion of my last assignment for this semester, I went out to Sedap corner at Simpang Bedok. The name of the place does represents the quality of food it serves. SEDAAAP!

I had dinner and fellowship with my RAC Singapore West members on the 17th (wednesday). It was more like a guys night out. We indulge in coffee at TCC at Boat Quay and proceed to dinner at Bukit Timah. On friday, I had sushi with members of RAC NTU. The following day (sat), I had western food and ice-cream at Vivocity. However, I was quite sad that I did not get my dose of B&J. However the time spent was a good stress releaser for me and it is a way help me focus on my studies as I know that the time spend studying must be utilised fully.

I am really excited for the upcoming holidays. The things I like about holidays are that I am able to catch up with my friends and relatives. Next to engage in activities that interest me expecially outdoor activities and spend time on Rotaract organising activities etc.

I really hope I am able to perform well in my upcoming examinations too.. Wish me luck.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Finally ... an update

It took me 4 months to update my blog.... It has been that long. I have been busy with my school work an drelaly got no time to breath.. I just finish my last assignment and now starting to study for my exam which are in end april.

I think this sememter, I had written the most number of words in total for my assignmentts.. i guess more than 10, 00o words.. let us count together.

AAG 103 : 1500
AAG 104: 3500
AAG 233: 3500
AAG 244: 3500
ACE 201: 3500
ALS 101: 1500
And many more smaller assignments: 4000 words..

WOW!!! that much.. i am so shocked.

Now I have to start studying . for my 3 papers... stress man..