Monday, April 21, 2008

The three "F" in Life

Although this is my study week for the upcoming exams for this semester, I could not resist the temptation of good food, good company and great laughs. In this week alone, I had gone out for 'fellowship' dinners with my rotaract friends, around 5 times!!! And I felt a bit guilty after every outings as I really need to utilise my time to study. But I told myself that I need to also relax myself from all the stress of revision.

Monday, upon completion of my last assignment for this semester, I went out to Sedap corner at Simpang Bedok. The name of the place does represents the quality of food it serves. SEDAAAP!

I had dinner and fellowship with my RAC Singapore West members on the 17th (wednesday). It was more like a guys night out. We indulge in coffee at TCC at Boat Quay and proceed to dinner at Bukit Timah. On friday, I had sushi with members of RAC NTU. The following day (sat), I had western food and ice-cream at Vivocity. However, I was quite sad that I did not get my dose of B&J. However the time spent was a good stress releaser for me and it is a way help me focus on my studies as I know that the time spend studying must be utilised fully.

I am really excited for the upcoming holidays. The things I like about holidays are that I am able to catch up with my friends and relatives. Next to engage in activities that interest me expecially outdoor activities and spend time on Rotaract organising activities etc.

I really hope I am able to perform well in my upcoming examinations too.. Wish me luck.

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