Monday, April 28, 2008

The ending is the new beginning!

Yes it is over... I just had my last paper and I am so relieved. The second semester is finally over and now it is the long wait for the results that will be announce in June. It is along agonizing wait but that will not stop me from enjoying myself during this holidays. Thus mark the new beginning. This holiday I think i wanna to put a theme to it.

"To relax, rejuvinate and renew"

Cool huh?! The three 'Rs' would be the direction is achieveing the holiday experience. I wanna relax, enjoy myself, rejuvinate my senses and renew my spirit. For my first stop, I went to have dinner with my good secondary buddy and we ate at Fish & Co. I was long awaiting to eat there and I had the fish platter for one. Finally my craving was met.

I also planned to rent movies to watch during the holidays.... I just cannot wait!!!

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