Thursday, October 30, 2008

The run

It was an indead a good run although i did not run the whole 3.2 km through the south buona vista loop. But I think i did quite well...

My legs are aching a bit but its all worth it... Hope still can survive anothe rrun on monday at NUS.

Saturday may go down to buy winter clothing

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Busy ..Busy .. Busy Weekend

So what's new.. I am busy again.. hahaha.

In addition to my work an assignements, I had also organised the Institute of Mental Health visit and Hari Raya open house for my club members. I was so busy that I turned down to attend two open house on Sunday as i had to complete my AAG 333 essay. Haiz.

Sorry Fuazi and Ryan.. did not mean too. On Monday, which is Deepavali Holiday, I had an open house and I was happy that my NS buddies turned up, Nizam, Jian Feng and Jiaming. We caught up with each other. I am also have been feeling guilty for not attending silat training and the practise run for the KK trip.

I also hope that my adek is able to get his school work in order. He has been stressed lately and hope he would be able to complete the semester smoothly.. All the best Bro.

The good news is that I am now left with 1 presentation, 1 lesson plan, 1 report and 2 exam. Seems a lot but I can manage....I know I can.. I had experience worse. But I just hope everything will still move as planned and I am able to execute the job. Ok .. BACK TO WORK!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Eid of 2008

This Lebaran, is full of significant and joy.. Although this year celebration, I was busy with my assignments and preparation for test, I managed to visit my relatives and friends. I finally managed to catch up with my cuz.. Wahidin and Halis. I am glad they are doing well.

I also went out visiting with my secondary friends and not surprisngly, they came with their family and children. It makes me wonder when is my turn .. hahaha. I also went out with my Silat gang and we had a good time... the best time was spent on the bus where we saranade different Malay songs to entertain ourselves during teh journey.. So cool rite.. hahaha

Well this coming week, I wil be trying to finsih up my last few assignments for this semester and hope everything will go smoothly..:)
