Sunday, December 17, 2006

Kuching Sarawak (10 - 13 Dec 2006)

ETA: 2100 hrs @ Kuching City.

The tour has begun. DRR Zakir and DHS Lilian started the District Tour with rain and storm at Senai airport. We were fortunate to have our good buddy, DCSC Keyuan, to send us all the way to Senai Airport.

Upon arrival at Kuching Airport, we were greeted by Rotaractors from RAC Swinburne and RAC Kuching. We then proceeded for dinner cum supper at a nearby coffee shop. It was a good session as I got to meet with old friends as well as make new ones.

We then proceeded to our "Bungalow." It is owned by Pres Michael Kwan's father from RAC Swinburne University, Sarawak. The place was cozy. ZR Andrea, Rtr Michael FV and Rtr Edison also bunked in the bungalow with us. After settling down, we decided to play Monopoly (board game). It has been a long time since I played the game and it was indeed refreshing. We slept around 2 am.

Day 2: We depart at around 8 am and headed for breakfast at KAYA AND TOAST. Upon finishing breakfast, we proceeded to Swinburne University to preare and print materials for the Zonal meeting. We (Lilian and myself) were then "kidnapped" by PDRR Samuel Phui to accompany him for tea break. We had Sarawak Laksa.

We then proceed for lunch at Tun Jugah Food Court, where we met with members from RAC Kuching, RAC Curtin University and RAC UCS. After finishing lunch, we proceeded for the Cultural village. It was a 45 minutes drive from the city. It was interesting for me to learn about the different culture of Sarawak. It also gave me some ideas on the upcoming Survivor Rotaract Conference. We also watched a 45 minutes performace and I was truly entertained.

We then had dinner with PP Abel from one of the Rotary clubs in Kuching. We were served Thai food. We then proceed for more fellowship with the other Rotaractors. We went Karaoke.

BTW did I tell you that the Swinburne University caught fire and was closed for 2 days?

Day 3: We headed for breakfast at FAT CAT and proceed to preparing for the Zonal meeting. The meeting was attended by both Rotarians and Rotaractors in Kuching. I was indeed very honoured. Once the meeting ended, we proceed back to our "Bungalow" and rested before going for dinner.

At the dinner, we had 30 ppl attending. It was very casual. We planned to proceed for bowling, however, there was a tournament and we did not manage to play. We then went for coffee and tea. The people present were entertained by the mind games that was shared by yours truly.

FYI: The ceiling of the room we had the meeting was leaking.

Day 4: We had an early morning and proceed to the Fairy Caves to view the wonders of nature there. It was a tiring hike up the stairs and up the caves but it was worth it. Though i had to walk on Bat's faeces, I really like the experience. Lunch was up next. We then proceed back to our accomodation and pack to go to Sabah. We said our good byes.

Lesson learnt: During my tour in Kuching, I had earned that they are a few things that are "legal and encouraged".

ETD: 1930 hrs.

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