Sunday, December 10, 2006

Rotary Distirct Conference (8 - 10 Dec 2006)

On 8 - 10 Dec, Myself, DRC John Ng, DRRE Dharma, IPDRR Audrey, IPP Mathhew and Rtr Amanda attended the District Rotary Conference at Johor Bahru. We had a great time at the conference and we took the opportunity to learn more about the Rotary Movement in our District. We had also set up a booth to inform the participants on the activities we had done in the district.
We also had a workshop session to inform the Rotarians of the challenges in the Rotaract Movement. We are honoured to have DG Dr Wu and PDG David Tong to be present during the session.We had also attended the Banquet Dinner and took the time to mingle with other Rotarians in our District. Overall the Conference was well organised and we enjoyed ourselves there. We indeed feel as though we are part of the family. WELL DONE to the organising committee. :)

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