Thursday, June 28, 2007

What have I done!!!!

Afraid, nervous, excited.. so much mixed feelings....

What I have done?! I have gotten a ex-guardsman to train me every Saturday. Was it a good decision. I hope so. He is more "into" this training thingy than me. This Saturday our training program is as such:

4 km run at Macritchie
2 km walk from Macritchie to Bishan stadium
swimming (dunno how many km)
2 km walk back to Macritchie.

Wow! i really hope i wont collapse at the end of the day... But i must tell myself that i can do it.. start living healthy..:)

"When there's a will, there's a way"

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Adapting, Surviving but still relaxing

Just like a chameleon that changes its skin colour to adapt to its environment for survival, a new beginning teacher that enters a new school has to do the same.. He (the teacher) has to get to know his new class, understand the school culture, locate the different classrooms, make new friends, orientate himself and many more... It has been two days and I see my other beginning teacher trying to adapt and survive.

They say the first two years of a beginning teacher is very crucial as that is when you know you break it or make it in this fast paced working environment.

Fortunately, I am only in the school as a "floater". A floater is a person who will be deployed to enter classrooms which the teacher is on medical leave, course and etc.

But i guess upon entering NIE again, i will definitely miss teaching the kids.. that is what keep me going on everyday.. The passion to teach..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A plate of prata and a cup of Java

great company and great food are the best combination of a good meal.. hahah.

after a meeting at serangoon, me and my friends headed towards a prata house at upper thomson road. I had often pass that prata shop and always wanted to try it out however never had a chance.

Today was the day where i tried it out... my friends recommendation was indeed very true. the prata taste good thou the service was not that good.. I guess nothing is perfect thou.. Upon filling our stomachs, we automatically went into a conversation that all Singaporean man have in common.. National service...I dunno why but do all MAN always talk about this topic and bond instantly... hmm maybe.

now my holidays are about to end.. thou they are a lot of things that i did not manage to do but i guess it was a fruitful one for me as i got to catch up with friends... Thanks for the memories ...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

a long journey but its all worth it!!!

A walk around macritchie reservuor is definitely a challenge.. imagine walking 11 km through the path jungle of the tropical forest..

My leg was aching at the end of the hike.. Yah though it would be easy.. it is just a trail only what? But was I wrong, my legs were really stretched to the maximum.. at times i had to stop and take a breather. At times i was saying to myself, what the hll i was thinking.. but they was no way back as i was in the middle of the track and i had to complete the journey as my bike was at the carpark at macritchie...

So i told myself, take one step at a time, a step will make a meter, a meter will make 10 meter, 10 meter will add up to make 100m and eventually 1km... i kept repeating that through out the journey.. but i guess it makes me reflect on myself.. i am gald i complete it as it gives me a sense of satisfaction and i had accomplished something...

The journey might be difficult but the end is always sweet. through all the pain, i guess we have to focus for the finish line. I will look at this hike as a learning journey...

for those who wish to walk the trail, do warm up and dun give up ya....

Thursday, June 07, 2007

It came - Better late than never...

Tuesday afternoon - receive a call from my brother stating that I had receive "the letter". I was shocked! I asked him not to kid around as I was not in the mood. He said he was not. Well I told him I would return home and check it later.

I had just had a proper closure of the situation and accepted the fate that I would not receive the letter. Just the night before, I had cleared some of my books and handouts which I fell that was unnessarry for teaching. That was my way of doing the proper closure of the situation. Still I did not accept the fate that i receive the letter. I thought it was just a letter to announce my overall result in NIE.

I was Having a camp with my students from my previous school, therefore i cant go back that soon. Then evening came, my mother called insisted that I came home and check the content of the letter. Being a good boy, I went home. True enough the content brought good news for me. I was accepted to pursue my studies in NIE.

I was indeed delighted and happy... It finally came....

Friday, June 01, 2007

It's a waiting game...

A simple SMS can changed my day drastically... Will I get it. The suspense is killing me. Worke so hard, prayed and hope so hard...I wonder if my effort was all worth it.

What can I say, I am very hopeful and it will change my life indefinately. I know it is nothing but that is what i had been wishing for since the first day i stepped in. That what motivates me. That is what made me push harder everytime. Is life fair.. well i know it is not... but I can continue to hope till Monday.

My fate will be soon known on Monday...