Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A plate of prata and a cup of Java

great company and great food are the best combination of a good meal.. hahah.

after a meeting at serangoon, me and my friends headed towards a prata house at upper thomson road. I had often pass that prata shop and always wanted to try it out however never had a chance.

Today was the day where i tried it out... my friends recommendation was indeed very true. the prata taste good thou the service was not that good.. I guess nothing is perfect thou.. Upon filling our stomachs, we automatically went into a conversation that all Singaporean man have in common.. National service...I dunno why but do all MAN always talk about this topic and bond instantly... hmm maybe.

now my holidays are about to end.. thou they are a lot of things that i did not manage to do but i guess it was a fruitful one for me as i got to catch up with friends... Thanks for the memories ...

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