Sunday, February 04, 2007

Let the game Begin....

Put up the banner, Arrange the chairs and tables, ensure the registration is in order. The committee was working hard to get the last minute preparation done. Thank you Rtr Dawn (RAC SW) and Rtr Neo(RAC BP) for helping us out in the preparation.

The first batch of ppl that comes in are the Rotaractors from Kota Melaka. One of the biggest contingent that was represented for the conference. Close 7pm, the bulk of the participants from Singapore and overseas arrived at the campsite. Participants registered themselves and collected their goodies (T-shirt, Shirts, booklet) and headed for their accommodation.

Dinner was served and as usual good (catered by your "District Caterer" Keyuan). With that we proceed to our ice-breaker game. Groups then design their group cheer, group flag and group identity. It really shows that our Rotaractors are creative ppl. The first day ended with ice-cream. And the club representative headed for the district meeting.

Day 2: The day started quite early and participants have their breakfast. After breakfast we went to the Lodge. The opening ceremony is held there. Awaiting for the Guest of Honour (DG Dr. Wu Dar Ching), the respective tribes occupy themselves with a friendly game of "BOMMING". The arrival of DG Wu was welcomed with tremendous applaus and cheers. DG seems pleased with the grand welcome.

After the formalities, we begin with the first plenary session (5Cs of Rotaract andKnowing more about Rotaract). We then proceed for luch with a twist. Participants was introduced to Survivor Cooking. It was an enriching experience for me as it was my first time doind it. Thou the process of the cooking was challenging, every tribe was proud of their "fruits of their labour."

We then move on to the next plenary session and which is on membership recruitment and retention. Next was the Survivor games.... Participants were given different task to complete at different base station.

We then have our very own Rotaract War, Different Tribes fill up their plastic bags with Water and through them at each other. It indeed relive my childhood memories. Some ppl are so persistent in getting the district team members wet. It was a great "war".

Participants then wash up and went for dinner while we prepare for the campfire.

The weather was not too kind and the heavens poured down in us (Rainlah of course). So we have to go to plan B which is have our performance nite at the Hall. Every team put up a good show and was impressed with their ideas and execution of the performance. Well done Rotaractors. We also mange to see a few Star in the making...

Upon completion of the performance, we announced the top two teams for the Survivor. Orang Asli and Batek was the to two teams that emerged. All participants was given a chance to vote the winning tribe. Each team gave their closing remarks and why they deseerve to win. After the vote, the box was sealed by our three game master, Audrey, Amanda and Wee.

Next day came, we packed up and set ready to go. We had our farewell breakfast and proceeded to the Hall for the closing ceremony. The results we announced then. We said our goodbyes and hope to meet again soon.

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