Friday, February 23, 2007

Under the Beautiful Stars of Batu Pahat

First of all, I would like to wish a HAppy ChInese New Year ...

Today I am at Batu Pahat visiting the Rts there for a short holiday before I embarked for my final teaching practicum. I was glad to meet up with IPP Chai Chin, Pres "Turtle" and Rtr Neo Sauying. We started off the trip at the Summit and I had a hair cut (Yes, I was sooo busy that I had no time to cut my hair).

We then headed to taste their local laksa. I was so good and spicy. Just the way I like it. Then I proceed to play badminton... (Yes I also excercise or not I would not have space to eat some more food. Hahaha). It was a good sweating session and I was refreshed after that.

We then proceed to have "ikan Bakar" and "Tahu Goreng" for supper. I then headed back to Sauying's place to wash up before proceeding to Minyak Beku. There, I got to see many temples and got to view the beautiful stary sky which I had never seen in Singapore before. We sat at the jetty and chatted the night away.

Today, we will be heading to Segamat for Durians.. yohoo..

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